
Penny Lim: My life

Penny Lim, aged 44, has been battling with Endometriosis ever since she was a student. She has severe period cramps monthly. However, she only had her diagnosis done in 2005 – the year she got married. Her first time coming across a disease called “Endometriosis”. She was so afraid and thought she was dying as her CA 125 was quite high. She was suffering from stage 4 of Endometriosis. She has had multiple surgeries along the way and after her 6th year of marriage, she started conceiving after seeking after treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) but she has suffered 3 miscarriages consecutively. All her pregnancies were terminated at 7 weeks.

However, in the year 2014, she managed to conceive naturally and has delivered a healthy baby boy by God’s grace. It has not been an easy journey, but hang on there! Eat healthily, practise healthy lifestyle and stay strong spiritually. Children are from God. He blesses according to His time.   

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